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21 days to create healthy habits that will transform your life

Updated: Aug 8, 2023

5 teeny changes for 21days is all it takes to transform your quality of life and wellbeing....

The 21/90 Rule
It takes 21 days to create a habit and 90 days to create a lifestyle

So how this is going to work.... starting have 21 days to create healthy habits...

Today choose 3 things to add to your life daily that are proactive- helpful, hopeful, useful, worthwhile - things you know will improve your health/ wellbeing.

Make sure they are positive and specific and achievable. They are things you will include in your life daily for the next 21 days! So, for example, it could be a 20 minute daily walk, eating every meal mindfully, and having a green smoothie for breakfast daily.

Now choose one less ‘ healthy‘ thing you will cut out of your life for the next 21 days- for example it could be having more than one alcoholic beverage a day.

Finally pick one thing you will change that (you imagine) someone significant/ important/ respected would want you to change about you for your own good/ benefit or for the good/benefit of your relationship(s). This is not something you will do for the other person but rather something you sense/ feel/ believe they would want you to do for you in order to grow. This can either be something you add or something you subtract from your life. You will not ask someone or tell someone - this is something you intuitively feel someone else or the majority of your friends or family or a wise respected mentor would suggest you change for your own benefit. So it could be that your spouse feels you speak “negative” words and thereby give them energy.... (and we manifest that which we give energy to) - perhaps you have been called out for saying things like “if we get divorced...” or “I hate my job”.... so for the next 21 days then you choose to be mindful of the words you speak and to keep all words proactive, positive and affirmational. THINK before you speak!

Think before you speak
THINK before you speak

As I was always coached when training for the Comrades marathon.... baby steps- the only way to eat an elephant is in bite-able bits and chewable chunks..... to transform yourself and your life you really need to start by making small sustainable easily doable things you can and will do/ change/ sustain DAILY, just for 21 days!!! Nothing succeeds like success....

Mark off 21days on your calendar and have the reminder of them daily on your “to do list” each day you need to check them off.

After 21 days you will look at each of these things and then decide whether or not they have had any useful impact on your life, Health, happiness and wellbeing.... if not you will ditch it and replace it with something else. If it has, you will keep doing it for the next 21days.

You only stop doing things that are no longer helpful or useful, and only add to your list when something drops off.

After 90 days you can choose to start a new list from scratch, but until then use the 5 items you have chosen and only replace an item if/ when (after doing it for 21 days) you feel it has little or no benefit or value or is making little / no impact. If you need even greater guidance, then my post on SMART goal-setting is for you!


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