I had the privilege tonight of stumbling upon a Marissa Peer's podcast tonight: http://podcast.mindvalley.com/marisa-peer-being-enough/. This really resonated with me because whenever I work with people to try and uncover why they do not realize (make real) their dreams, do not live their journey, do not achieve their goals... the same common thread comes up time and again.... the client does not FEEL WORTHY! The fear (of failure or success) stems from the same source.... not feeling GOOD ENOUGH or WORTHY! We become what we tell ourselves most often - our destiny is actually a self-fulfilling prophecy! It is our limiting beliefs that hold us back, (these beliefs are the things we believe about ourselves and the world). These self-defeating thoughts sabotage our success and self esteem for anything up to a life time. Isn't it high time we become advocates of/ for ourselves, and provide ourselves with the affirmation, validation, kindness, confirmation we deserve? After all, we do have a CHOICE in the matter...